Tuesday, May 31, 2005

...On surgery...

...On surgery...

Yesterday hubby went to SGH for his X-ray review. He was advised to go for a minor op, should say more to scope. He smsed me and I was shocked to hear that. Thought it would be nothing serious and will only do with theraphy. So his op will be on June 17. Luckily by that time my pantang pun dah over at least leh be with him while being treated.

Initially hubby was reluctant to go for the op coz hes afraid it might affect his PES status. He need to maintain his PES status in order not to affect his next stage of his career. Told the doctor that he would be safe only after September. But doctor assure him that this op would not affect his PES status. Memanglah rezeki tu ada di mana2, but in times like this if he cant continue his service with the Armed Forces, its not easy looking for a new job outside, especially now we have an extra mouth to feed, more responsibility awaits.

Ya'Allah, kau lindungilah suamiku.

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