Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Selamat Menyambut tahun baru 1427 Hijrah buat semua umat Islam. Semoga tahun baru ini akan membawa seribu keberkatan buat semua umatNya.


Last Sun, we made a trip to Kota Tinggi. It was a last min arrangement as we couldnt make up our mind of KL or Johor.

It was indeed fun and I love the natural freezing water. It made me so fresh and rasa mcm tak nak kuar dari tu air pun ada but....before we stepped out, I asked hub, will there be a return and he said, of course....;)

We left Kota Tinggi at 4.30 and went to Giant at Plentong...So its milk grabby time...Not only i borong Khairin milk powder but his biscuits and cereals as well. Hah!! amik ko, mcm2 flavour ada, jadi mcm minimart plak umah my mum nanti.

Not to forget we headed for seafood and the driver and his wife invited us to singgah their mums home for awhile, for wash up...etc..etc...Baik kan!!! But we just changed the kids diaper.

Thumbs up service for abang Fazli and kak Liza, we surely gonna engage your service again.

Kota Tinggi - 29th January '06

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Yippe long weekend. But too bad my wkend start only this tomorrow afternoon. Haiz....work commitment.

Looking forward for the wkend as Im gonna spend all the time that I have with my kimi raikkonon aka castello and also the short trip to....Kota Tinggi. Mesti ramai org kan!!! But never mind as long as I get to get to spend time with the loved ones.

Still trying to plan where we may land ourselves on Mon and Tues....Shopping centres confirm will be ghost town....Haiya....nielah dia if CNY, it seems that we only have limited choices. Movies??, but to think of the PH rates....it will only burn holes in our pocket...Worth it or not??

Knocking off in half an hrs time, cant wait to reach home....So to all my friends celebrating CNY, Gong Xi Fa Cai.....and Happy holidays everybody....

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Visit to the Womans Specialist Clinic last Friday was indeed a blessing for me....Though I find its hard to accept but I should feel grateful that I found it out early. Ive been thru it before and if I got to go thru the eposide again, I believe Im so much stronger.

Ya'Allah jgnlah kau sekatkan pemberian mu kepada ku hanya pada satu. Sesungguhnya, aku masih berkeingingan dan jika setelah aku usaha tetap tiada, aku redha dan terima ketentuanMu...Amin

Sat was my off day. It was spent by going geylang with mum, sis, hub, the kids. For me and hub we only managed to join them for a while, as we need to rush to Pasir Ris, FIL is all alone at home. We brought some food from Geylang, and I decided to do simple marketing for him. Menggeram tgk ikan kat pasar....

Spent the whole day there, waited for Iza to come home after work with dinner. Her pay day so she treated us.

Sun woke up at around 8 and asked hubby, what he wants to eat. Dia pulak tanya, ada jual apa?? In my heart...kalau exam immediate failure lol. I then asked what would he like to eat for lunch and dinner. He looked at me and shook his head.

Him : "Nak masak? Tak payahlah"

Me : "Aik!! Org tgh ada semangat nak masak, dia taknak plak"

Me : "So wat do you want?"

Him : "Hmm..Thosai Masalah"

Me : "Alright, please take care of this castello, Im going now"

To think back, thats human nature. When I have mood to cook, he doesn't want and when the M mode is there, dia tak nak ajak kuar mkn plak tu....Haiya!!! But no matter wat sun was spent at home, when my kimi was sleeping from 11.45 to 2.15pm. Nyenyak betul. After he woke up, with such a good mood, we then decided to go out. Headed to C.P. Memandangkan perut dah main keroncong, we filled up our tank first.

Settled for Siam Kitchen. We had spicy beef noodle, frankly the taste was just ok, and it still cant compare to our all time favourite, Thaksin Beef Noodle at Clementi Central. And not to forget, I tried the tomyam upon request ;) they used tomyam paste and I find it not original...

After that headed to Metro and I got my mp3 and last stop to NTUC for groceries shopping. Headed home, and for dinner, hub decided to eat at mums place...ish!!! tak malu nyer.....I wasnt agreeable mcm tak sedap gitu...but mum called instead informing me that khairin's milk is finish at her place. I said ya, i thought of going there to send his things...and i put my malu one side and asked her wat she cooked.

Some dishes are just irresistable, siput, ikan cencaru bakar. But I make sure that I just take a small portion....in was hard indeed, but hubby is there to *hepp* if i take more lol

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Scenario that took place yesterday morning...

Him : "Wah u dah tembam eh"
Me : "What!!!" (look at myself at the mirror)
Me : (went putting my face directly infront of him)...."am i fat?"
Him : "I said u tembam...didnt say u gemuk"
Me : "Ya...but..."
Him : "Maintain k....dun put on"
Me : "U see....its confirmlah..."
Him : "Gie jogging lah"
Me : "U lah....ckp jer nak ajak gie jogging but tarak bayang pun"

hub smiled all the way

Oh no!!! Yes I could see that I put on weight....During Eid last week, my cousin gave me the remark, my primary school mate gave me the remark....and the list goes on....

Clothings in the wardrobe are dumped there to collect dust. I always ask myself, when I can put them on again.

Hub said I dun eat much....but how come. I tink got to be firm....must eat proper diet....Hope to able to lose some weight....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Again.....My colleague and I were called in to our M.D.'s room. Let out session. For the how many times I couldn't remember.....its again they propose that yours truly to handle the company's account. In a moment of confuse I just blurt out....On a trial!!! But some people just couldnt accept my answer and told me...its a challenge for u...but in my heart...yeah!!! rite.....u merely wants me to say yes....but I know myself too well, the answer is already deep down in my heart. But apart from all these probs, Im thankful to Allah....there will be increament....Syukur Alhamdulillah...

Back at home, at about midnight then got the chance to discuss about the prob Im facing at work with my other half. Im right from the beginning....hub shared the same point as me...He listened to what I got to let out, and his respond is just what I have in my mind.

So the conclusion is done....I got to be firm....I got to think of my own benefits...I cant keep on pleasing people but on the other hand Im being unfair to myself. For now, my family is my priority....Should anything comes....FAMILY is my main concern.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Yesterday was on urgent leave....Arrghh!!! I broke my resolution....all because of a fall.

I fell after shower yesterday, with one leg in the toilet and the other outside. I didnt scream cos I didnt want to wake Khairin's up. I just clenched my teeth unduring pain. I limped trying to move towards the bed. Hub saw and asked me whats wrong. He tot of the hip pain that I complained almost everyday. When I told him that I had a fall, he was shocked and said that the loud sound just now was actually my fall whereas he thought it came from the neighbour next door.

He helped me and looked at my leg. My toe was blue black the area underneath my knee had a little swell. Hub was already late for work but in the end he called his Warrant Officer that he will be reporting to work in the afternoon due to my condition. He then examined the flooring and it could be that I had slipped on a patch of water just before the foot towel. I also told him maybe i had lose control while stepping on the slippers in the bathroom.

Smsed my sis, and she informed my mum. And my mum thought Khairin was the one injured. I tink malaikat lindung...cos I had the intention to bring him to the toilet as well to bathe him....but surprisingly after passing him his milk bottle, hes back to his dreamland. If he was to be on my arm...I just couldn't imagine.

At 8.30am, the door bell rang. Mum!!! She say, in my condition and this kinda weather...she shall fetch Khairin first. And then left me and hub at home. I went back to sleep while hub applied some ointment to me leg. Thanks hubby....

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Aidiladha was spent in a so called bored...dull event.

After hub came back from solat Aidiladha, we went to my parents place. Mum requested me to do the fruit salad for her...cos most of my relatives loves it. No prob madam...we will do it for u.

So gedebak gedebuk settled everything by 12 noon. The menu was Nasi Briyani, Sweet & Sour fish, Paru goreng Chili, Udang Goreng Butter and fruit salad as dessert.

Since mama and papa decided to wait for us to finish the task, I then decided to go to my dad's aunt first, since it is only few blocks away. But hub was not too happy with the idea....yeah² i understand....we need to go to pasir ris a.s.a.p. And about 12.10, his phone rang....So wat I heard he said by 1.30 we will be in pasir ris.

I kept quiet all the way...one wrong step....I will get it...khekhe...

So off we went to my grandma's place and after that zoom to Paris Ris. Since the weather was not that great...we had to call for cab. And its always like this..bila tunggu..satu bayang tak nampak...bila dah call get the cab...theres so many available cab on the road. Hub being someone must keep to their promise...will always stay by what he had commit. So waited for the cab.

Reached Paris...eh Pasir Ris at 1.30 on the dot. So I was shocked.....to see not even a single member has got ready. Yg tgh tido lain...but excusable...hes sick. But yg lain² tu...hmmm...kept quiet again. Clock is ticking...but nothing is moving...They wanted us to eat lunch dulu...Lermak perut mcm nak meletup, makanan lum turun...nak kena masuk lagi....

Nak jaga hati org...tak nak tolak rezeki, we still eat. Khairin was fed too...with custard that my mil dah buatkan. I was reluctant to feed him cos he ate his farley biscuit in the morning..followed by milk and plain water.....Tkkan nak sumbat lagi....tank dia berapa cc jer sey....But the rule was bend. He ate...nanti tak kasi...apa plak.

So after lunch...tak bergerak jugak....then while hubby was smoking outside....i brought Khairin outside as hes too cranky...and hub looked at my face...

Hub : " Pas nie balik straight"
Me : "Huh!!! Kita blum gie umah Nyai"

(by this time hub just kept quiet...should I say more)...But deep in my heart, I do not want them to tink that I was the one who doesnt want to proceed. I, myself was shocked when hub broke the news.

So we went in, hub joined them to watch TV and mil started the conversation.

Mil : "Kau dah gie rumah nyai?"
Hub : "Lum lah....tak pegi lah...kirim jer"
Mil : "Kirim apa?...Kenapa tak pegi?"
Hub : "Dah kul brape....tgh hujan gini..Ingatkan tadi dtg sini semua dah siap. Pas makan trus chop² pegi."
Mil : "Alah ko pukul 9 pun boleh balik kan"
Hub : "Mak kirim salam kat nyai and yai"
Mil : "Aku gie mandi sekarang...Ko tunggu boleh kan"
(hub just kept quiet).....

So I tak fikir apa² lah..When mil dah ready nak kuar, hulur tangan for me to salam her..i was taken aback. Since shes going...pegilah sama²...

Me : "Mak nak gie umah nyai kan...Jomlah pegi"
Mil : "Dia taknak pegi.."(pointing at hubby)
(aku jadi mcm budak bodoh plak kat situ.....haiz)

So mil left a message, kalau nak balik, amik sendiri lauk² pat dapur...atau mintak kak ecah pack. Aik!!! Shes not going?? So in the end, mil went with youngest in law alone. There is one quote she said and after that 1001 questions starts to pop up in my mind....I guess u readers can read what I tink or feel.

But whatever, we made our move went back to my mums place, gave her the nasi brayani dam from pasir ris and initial plan stay kejap jer....but lotsa my aunties, uncles and cousins, jarang dpt jumpa Khairin so we stayed there for a while. By 10.30 we went home.

Oh ya, while at my mums place, I prepared Khairin's cereal per normal. He wanted to eat but...main²...hub pressed his tummy and it was keras. We decided to stop feeding him. And 10 mins later....the maid saw Khairin baju ada stain..His business went out of control, sampai terkeluar gitu sekali..Masya'Allah....terlampau byk makan kot....Ish!!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Birthday celebration part II

Hubby gave me a surprise again....Ingatkan dah bagi tu birthday gift ends there...but he had arrange delivery for this yesterday afternoon...

Oh hubby....thanks for all these....Im very happy....and...I appreciate all that you'd done for me.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Happy Birthday to me....Happy Birthday to me...Happy Birthday to Noraindah....Happy Birthday to me....

25 years ago @ 0851 hrs in Toa Payoh Hospital, a proud mother Edah Binte Yunan, had given birth to a healthy baby. She was a breech baby, it was so chaotic when she felt that the thing was out while she was still in the taxi. The baby butt came out first...and she was so lucky that they could reach the hospital on time and her gynae was on duty....They got to be quick to avoid from the baby being suffocation that may lead to death....

Syukur Alhamdulillah, she was safely delivered and now even after 25 yrs of life, I would vividly remember how I was born....Thanks mama & papa, without you, there wont be me. So therefore, I would like to share this moment especially with my beloved mama. Thanks for tolerating all my nonsense and nuisance.....

I will try my best to be filial daughter to both of u.

2) Hubby gaved me a surprised at midnight. Hehe...Thanks dear....I liked it very much. Really didnt expect you to give me that thing....whereas I thought it was another thing.....But on the whole, whether u give or may not give......a simple birthday wish is important and meaningful to me....

3) Thanks to Lily for the lunch treat at Arnolds yesterday....

So lets take a peek of what I received from hubby....

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Alhamdulillah....satu tanggungjawab dapat diselesaikan.

What I mean....doing aqiqah for Khairin. Luckily I managed to do it on the last day of application. I went for Mercy Relief, and I intended to get the one done in Aceh but sad news is that, the number of kambing is not much and all taken up, whats available only kerbau. So the alternative, aqiqah in Medan...

The price is 360 for two kambing....Syukur Alhamdulillah...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Khairin turned 8 months yesterday. Unlike the previuos months, I did not update on his monthly development, its different this time....The reason???....

Sebelum kambing/lembu dikorban minggu hadapan, kami suami isteri telah mengambil keputusan mengorbankan rambut Khairin terlebih dahulu hehehe....makin terserlah.....Soooo in love with u sayang.....