Thursday, May 26, 2005

Tukar Bulan

Tukar Bulan

Nowadays Khairin keeps crying at night. Mcm kena pukul pulak. Dukung duduk salah, berdiri salah semua tak kena. One thing about my little boy nie, suka jalan2...My mum kata ikut me coz when I was pregnant mmg I suka jln2, still travel from Yishun to Paya Lebar and work till few days before I gave birth. Ah sekarang kena jln2 sambil dodoikan Khairin. Yerlah, I told mum, kata kena bykkan jln then lebih mudah melahirkan, kalau ikutkan hati mmg malas tapi takut nanti labour susah hehehe...Ntahlah eh kepercayaan orang tua dulu2.

Mum pun kata time ni lah mmg betul2 menguji kesabaran. Dah nak abis hari, bb mmg suka merengek, dah nak tukar bulan. Lagipun I notice Khairin kalau buang air besar, semangat dah beberapa hari nie.

Memang betul menguji kesabaran, and I let it out to hubby. I really brush him yesterday hahaha!!!(adalah criter kalau tak takkan I nak cari pasal) pai I boycot never took care of Khairin the whole night. He was the one who attended, sambil tgk bola, Liverpool and AC Milan. Seriously I was knocked out yesterday, I never heard Khairin cried, only at 0630 I realised that hubby was so like cartoon, Khairin kept crying and he need to bath and get ready for work. He just gave Khairin the pacifier, apa lagi member bangun then I saw milk already prepared, let Khairin drank and soon he was back to sleep.

Walked hubby to the door and for me back to sleep. Bangun kul 0830, bathed him, and sampai sekarang, I didnt took any nap, for Khairin hes sleeping, sometimes I really hope that he could sleep like this thruout the night, but I know it would never be...Its ok, just for a few months of endurance.

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