Friday, December 15, 2006

I was surprised when my previous entry somehow left a negative thoughts of me ; ie. going thru a divorce. Subhanal'lah, minta dijauhkan semua nie. To the person who had commented that, I would like to apologise if my reply was kinda sarcastic. I was troubled and reading that comment certainly doesnt please me at all.

It was all unplanned. Hubby told me that we wont be going for any hols the moment we had another baby and I abided with the idea. I know it wont be easy and we have to really plan our finance carefully, with the tax due in March. But of all a sudden, he told me that he will be taking annual leave and told me to find a place for getaway. I was like huh?? He had Langkawi in mind whereas I had Redang. So after much research and consulting an unpaid consultant, we put the idea to Redang aside.

It wasnt easy for me to get a place, cos mostly fully booked and even if we can go, we will have difficulty coming back. Remember I was not in good mind for the past weeks?, and upon hearing that I was more down cos, seriously I need a break. I called this travel agent and finally the 3 of us can squeeze in *lol* its really rezeki, cos I even gave up halfway and told husband to just spend our leave in our homeland.

Finally the day is getting very much near us. We will be leaving tomorrow morning. The husband, me and lil toddler in tow. Such a pity if were to leave him, so watever people wanna say, ckplah, as long as we believe we can handle him and let him feel the excitement to be in the air... selalu asik tunjuk aeroplane je.

And wats gonna happen to our other baby during our absence?? are not forgotten too my wish, we believe you will be in great care of Mr & Mrs F. Heat up your engine, bathe and rest okay?? hehehe (well Mrs F. i was just kidding). Enjoy yourselves with the companion of our baby wish, but then I was surprised ah with the terma & syarat imposed by Mr K. send and fetch from us a/p....hmmmm hehehe

I still have not packed a single thing, cos I didnt went home for the past 3 days. Husband was on field training, me & khairin was posted back to my mums place, so tdy penat tak penat, suka tak suka, mesti pack. So Mrs F. dun worry, I know its gonna be early morning when we gonna reach your place, so kalau anak² awak masih tido, its ok if you cant come along. Pray for our safe journey okays.

I am really looking forward for this getaway, and I hope that everything will turn well and may Im able to relax my mind get away from all the negative thoughts.

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