Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Yesterday I didnt went for my netball training, the reason

1) Mum called me to inform that my aunty was admitted to hospital due to batu karang, got to do immediate surgery. May u have a speedy recovery....

2) The week of the month is still not ard to visit me.....Im afraid that I might exert myself, so before anything goes wrong and Im gonna regret forever, beta pause.

what hes capable to do at 11mths :-

* understand simple intructions ; like when I said "no", he will move back look at me and shake his head (got to depend on his mood also)

* plays peek a boo with those whos hes familiar with

* when I said "pls give mama", he will give me the things that he has in his hand

* after finishes the stick biscuit, he will point at the cabinet and mumble...uuhhh..uhhhh..(only certains times can hear him say...ak = nak)

* can kiss people but with his mouth open and saliva will be spread onto the face....complete with turning peoples cheek left/right with his hand

and one new thing I witnessed today, when I was leaving for work, I gave him my hand, and he held my hand, put it towards his mouth...yeah!!! he knows how to salam, cos seconds before I gave him my hand, he saw Ilham salam his mother....

I kept kissing him and wanted him to try again.....but I tink in his heart...well..its only once per person, Im done with u, wait long², u tink im a clown is it....*lol*

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