Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Im really excited....Received news/sms of my friend or my friends wife had given birth. Syukur Alhamdulillah....

To Lis, congrates sweetie on the arrival of your first princess...Katrina Ayuni....such a sweet name there...Will find time to visit you and ur babe....Hope ur babe has been discharged....

To another friend congrates again...ehem² no 2 a girl again....so try lagi...hopefully dpt boy pulak. Deanna Yusra....sedap nama.

Lately I have been having this sensation feeling at my ari² area. It was worst yesterday...when I try to get up from my seat, the area was damn painful. Ish!!! kenapa pulak nie. So yesterday upon reaching my home, I just laid back on the sofa....till i was asleep...Chet!!! hubby didnt wake me up....I was woke up by Khairin's cry and that was at 0530hrs...poor me...

And all I could remember was...I dreamt of my gynae....I had an appointment cos Im pregnant....Alamak!!! Tgk tu...sakit sampai mimpi² being pregnant. Oh mr. trapik...please come...hehehe

Im all excited for the trip.....But I just don't understand...all these kepos...who got to know that Im going to that place...informed my mum that...they went before and that place is haunted....Excuse me, which place Im staying u know meh??...which unit Im in...u aware meh??...Commonlah...dah geram I told my mum....lah kat mana² pun ada hantu....Let me recall what happen what I ever encountered ;

At Cherating :-
1) kul 3pagi...tgh sedap² tido...the bell on our door bunyi....bila hubby tgk from door view...theres no one...
2) hubby was in the toilet...the lights went off...without me playing any pranks on him...he ask me but when the answer was no...we just kept quiet.

At Tioman
1) tgh tido jugak....theres so many noises came from the roof..benda jatuh lah..itu lah..ini lah...and mcm² lagi lah...

U see!! some people just tak de kerja lain dok...menyibuk pasal orang nak gie holiday pulak. Cos I believe....no matter how good a hotel is...mesti ada case punyer....Not being arrogant...memang frankly speaking I takut...but we cant think too much of it....makin kita fikir makin kita menakutkan diri sendiri...

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