Monday, February 20, 2006

Long time no update. As usual, I will set aside a short time at work to post/update my blog. But since Friday, my pc went Kaput....Well Im thinking when its gonna be my turn.

I rarely on the pc at home, as the journey home really kills me. And once I see my hero, there goes my time. With his gembengnezz nowadays, I really have no time for other personal issues. All my time are SOLELY for him unless theres someone he wants to switch his attention to.

So many things happen and I getting more and more sicked with the surroundings. Apart from that, hub lost his hp....Arrghh!!! Whats makes me lose my mood and interest more is that, most of Khairin's videos, since he was just few days old was stored in it. I know hub was very affected by the lost but.....

Due to the lost of his hp, I didnt really enjoyed the trip we made to Singapore Zooligical Garden on Sat. for the 9 DSMB family day. It was bothering me, cos the night before the hp went missing, I kept repeating Khairin's video.....Was that a sense of lost??

To A's if you are reading this, sorry sis, if i dun look good that u know the reason..

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