Wednesday, March 30, 2005



Been quite tied actually with so many things. Be it at work or at home. For the past week, synopsis of event that took place will be update now.

On Monday 21.03 - interviews were conducted for the post of A/Cs Officer. I really prayed that this time my director would really make a wise choice. Was super duper busy man the whole day, answering of phone calls, entertaining these walk in applicants..bla..bla..bla..It went straight for 3 days and finally we got a new colleague. Alhamdulillah

It was along weekend, and i was just at home. Really got no mood and energy to go anywhere, called MIL, apologising for not be able to go over, coz i started to feel uncomfortable with my growing tummy. Just hope she would understand.

On Monday i was on MC, (nie bukan planned ha!!!) I was having diarrhoea and my tummy starts to feel pins poking. Went poly and was advised by the M.O., if diarrhoea persists, must go straight to hospital. OMG!!! What!!! Dont want!!! I hope my baby would cooperate with me. "Darling its just weeks to go....Hang it there...Please dont come out now, I still wanna have you in my tummy"...

So now here i am, at work, feeling pains bit by bit but just false alarm. On 04th April will be my 35weeks appointment, so a week after if my baby insist to get out from my tummy, i would be relieve, coz at least i manage to go thru 9months of pregnancy.

Tomorrow already got a dinner appointment, my future biras, is coming to town and we will have (meeting) get to know session at pasir ris home.

Here im trying to post a pic. Sorry friends if its not clear...

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