Saturday, October 01, 2005

Yesterday I was on leave and it was a trip to JB. It was Khairin's first trip there. Left home at 1430hrs, visited lotsa places, the tailor, the curtain shop, another tailor, shopping and last makan time...(tapi for sure not mine, but my dear mama, me cuma makan jer)

I recce for Khairin's milk and in Malaysia, its called the Similac Advance, from bith till 12mths. Theres two range, one with Iron and the other w/o. I decided to try one tin, kalau serasi, selamat sikit...hehe..Budget2.

Alhamdulillah he was very kwai, and I dint get to snap pictures as he was clinging to me throughout, unless when it was toilet visit or during makan time. It was so called ALL Girls outing, and theres only one male, my uncle, being kind to chauffeured us, kalau takde car, takkan ku bawa Khairin and definitely he will stay with his bibik.

Reached Singapore at 0030hrs and trus calling2 for the 2 men to wait downstairs. Decided to spent the night at mamas place as it was already too late and both me and husband working the next day.

Actually yesterday, my husband told me that MIL called to inform that SIL, nak "pinjam" Khairin, meaning today and tomorrow. I was not in the mood smlm, yalah penat oi...and it was continued this morning. Ntah eh, I am being half hearted, Im lying if I say, tak rasa apa2, but I got to be strong. Khairin pun part of them and I have to be equal. No wonder he was too manja with me smlm....

I told husband, I cuma risau what he might be fed down there. In front of me, they gave him grapes....mestilah Khairin suka nyonyot...manis kan, but I guess I'mjust being over protective against him.. Kalau sakit we the parents yg susah. Then I heard BIL kata, if anak dia, semua dia kasi, tkyah wait till the bb besar...he must be joking tapi kalau anak awak, awak buat lah eh...takmao involve anak kita hehehe...

Its not that I dun wana spent the night and Pasir Ris, but staying there meaning I have to put on my hijab all the way. Not complaining or find its a problem but jgn ckp me, even Khairin yg sometimes wear sleeveless tends to get cranky and will only diam when we make him topless. My MIL senang rasa sejuk.....So kita kena understand.

When kat saner, bila Khairin senyap ok lah, suka entertain but bila dia dh mula rimas, mengamuk, they pass to me...kenalah mama dia main peranan. So the conclusion, they will fetch Khairin after I balik keja and husband suggested if Khairin cries persistently, we shall fetch him home.

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