Friday, March 31, 2006

The reason why I decided to play netball is just lose weight. Am I being paranoid of my myself....I guess no...Well apart from shedding the kilos, I wanna lead healthy lifestyle....keep my body firm...and so on.

Initially I wanted to forgo the idea but one incident that happened to me on my way back home....motivated me to do so. I was like normal, standing in the crowded train when suddenly a young chinese boy, stood up and ushered me to his seat....Alamak!!! I was asking myself..."Am I pregnant or do I look pregnant".....I was sooo...damn blushed and haha...sit lah....*lol* Penat nyer pasal...

At mums place, I looked myself in the mirror, no wonder he gave up his seat....So thanks to you boy, u made me realise that I need to work out.

Now Im kinda mad, pissed off, plan all haywire and bla..bla..bla..
Husband was on duty yesterday. Tomorrow will be on duty again for the month of April...Mak ai....Ni yg plan the duty roster dh kenapa...buang tebiat ke?? He couldnt find a repalcement which means he got to serve it. Pity u hub....And there goes our plan to spend the night at mils place tonight. Well its not our fault and we do not want that to happen either.

And one thing I dun like people to plan my sons schedule....He still have his mak / bapak, tapi kenapa Im always left out about the arrangements of my son....I told hub about it and he said that he understand but Im not sure to which extend he could understand my dilemma. People say Im selfish and over protective towards my all means...label me that. Go get married, go thru pregnancy, go thru labour, go thru sleepless nites..if you are lucky....dun get PND like me and then u shall understand y...I am like this....

So back to what Im suppose to blog about, since plans get messed up, I could only look forward for Sunday.....but I bet hub will spend his time catching up on his sleep. And after that Monday comes again....Arghhhh...

Oh ya, sometimes people dont understand or bochap to understand. Since my boss decided on the "STRICTLY NO SMOKING" in the office, some people still got the cheek to continue puffing happily in his room. When I mentioned of the warn, he kept saying..."My room tak affected per"....I answered back "Oh is it...Isnt your room in the office or can u give me your office address??"...He was stunned and cant answer my question....Tell u nicely u dun want....I shall go sarcastic way....Mind u.

Aniway....have a great wkend peeps.....

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