Wednesday, August 31, 2005

...My HEAD!!!...

Immediately half an hr after lunch yesterday, I felt soooo sick. My head was spinning, stomach was uneasy. Felt nausea and in the end I threw up all my lunch. There goes my nasi campur with ayam lemak cili padi, kangkung and fish cake. My Oh My!!! Whats happening here...Cant I enjoy my lunch???

The pain was getting more and more excruciating. My head was like being compressed. Took a nap but it didnt went away coz I dun have the medications in hand and even if I had, I need to rest in a dark quiet room, mana nak cari tu spot. I was bearing the pain that was unbearable. Didnt take any panadol too cos of my degilzness. In the end, took a cab home, but the driver was so meddlesome and I kept telling him to just leave me alone as I was having bad headache but he continued his merabans. Kept saying he is soooo sian. E'eh makin rezeki tak masuk lerrrr...I told him, I'm more sian listening to your nonsense with my abt to explode head.

During the journey I wanted t throw up again and this time Balm didnt work for me. I guess it was a sudden migraine attack that had left me for months. Y must u come again??

Went back to mums place and minta tlg to massage and pull the hair for my urat2 kepala, the sounds were so syiok. Applied limau nipis and hey it doesnt work too.....What should I do nw?? Kept telling husband but he was too tired with his exam today that I got to treat myself. I swallowed two panadols and cried to sleep. Waked by Khairin's cry for his feed, I thought the pain had went away and what I went thru was just a nightmare, but within seconds it strike again.

Woke up in the mrng, washed my head, and now Im @ work. Dont wanna take MC, just got no mood to wait at the polyclinic. Reason?? My condition will just gonna get worst. Dahlah tu nie company pun tak accept private clinic mc, mcm anak gamen pulak!!!

While writing this I am still tolerating the pain from my head.......AaarrgHHH!!!

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