Wednesday, August 03, 2005

...My Kimi...

...My Kimi...

...My Kimi...yes thats the title, must be wondering what the hack it is...:) Well its actually what i call my sweetheart sometimes. Alias name given by my hubby the day we reveived this gift from my SIL and BIL. Its Maclaren Techno XT. And the name is adopted from Kimi Raikkonen who drives Maclaren car in F1. Hahaha...Tapi takkan nak copy fully kan, so we change it to Kimi RaikkoNon...Konon2 pun jadilah.

Yesterday marked my little sweetheart's 3rd month since out from my womb. Wow!! that was fast man, and looking at him everyday, attending to his cries and entertaining him never tires me. No matter how tired and stress I may be, his cheeky smile really boost my energy..Tq sweetheart.

He went for his jab ytdy and it looked so pitiful when the nurse poked the needle to his right thigh. Before that, when the nurse was getting the jab ready I was talking to him...he was so jovial but his face turned red and he stared at me..."Im sorry darling, if only I could take ur place..." But hey he was quiet when passed him to hubby. He started to coo...oo...aaahh...Must be complaining rite??...Never mind lah dear as long as u are ok. He's now 6.3kg and 53cm. Kush semangat, bab tu tangan beta lenguh hehehe...

Went back to my mums place as I wanted to get some things from causeway pt. Decided not to bring him as Im afraid he may get cranky and may develop fever. Made sure he asleep before I left him. By 6pm brought him back, quite happy with his reaction. I was worried in case the fever may give him a visit at night..I even took his temperature every hr just in case. Alhamdulillah all went well.

By 10 he slept soundly and woke up at 4am for his milk. Normally during his feeds in the early morning after he finishes his milk, i would just make him lay on his cot and leaves him by himself, he would doze off on his own. Perut dh kenyang apa lagi nak kan?? Hehehe...Told him, mama & papa need to sleep, as we are working later....He just smile at me...Cair man!!! Lagi2 now, with so little hair....

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